How To Properly Clean Carpet At Home

Living in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, homeowners are cautious of hiring professional cleaning services because of the risks and limitations to visitors. However, it does not mean that you should wait out the crisis to get carpet cleaning from laundry services. While that option can ensure the elimination of dirt and pet dander, you must know that you are still surrounded by plenty of options to clean your carpet at home.

From using a bucket and a scrubber, a vacuum, or a stiff-bristled broom, you have tools to keep your carpet looking fresh and new. While you may not have the professional skills of an experienced cleaner, you may use this article as your guide to properly clean and maintain your carpet.

What are the Ways to Properly Clean Your Carpet?

Most homeowners aren’t aware that having a specific cleaning method is more effective when trying to tackle a specific carpet issue. For instance, homeowners tend to use carpet shampoo to clean a carpet that has only accumulated dirt. As a result, this reduces the lifespan of their home carpet. 

If you’d like to know which home tools and devices are suitable for each different carpet issue, here are some ways to help you with your doubts:

Broom to remove loose dirt and dust

Do you have a carpet in your bedroom that is starting to appear grey from all the dust and dirt it has collected? If so, this has caused you or a family member to trigger allergies, such as rashes and frequent sneezing. However, the carpet you own might be delicate to clean with a vacuum or a heavy-duty carpet cleaning device.

The solution: Without the use of a vacuum, you can eliminate loose dirt and dust with a stiff-bristled broom and a dustpan. First, unroll your carpet to let the bottom face up and using the broom, beat the carpet to loosen the fibres which would allow the dusts to fall off easily. In any case your carpet is thick, you may take your time in paddling it. Then, sweep the removed dust with the help of your dustpan.

Lint brush to remove pet fur

Having pets in your home can create joyful moments but their fur can sometimes trigger some allergies and be embedded in the fibres of your carpet if not being cleaned often. While the easiest solution is to call up the laundry shop with the best dry cleaning service in Singapore to have your fur-infested carpet cleared, you would not want to allocate half of your cleaning budget by getting it professionally cleaned every two weeks.

The solution: Develop a habit of using a lint brush to catch pet fur from your carpet. Make it a fun game for your kids to brush the areas where there is a build-up of fur in the spot where your dog or cat usually lays down. Brushing and grooming your pet frequently will also help, so keep an eye on your furry friends!

Detergent to remove stains

It is almost unavoidable to get an accidental spillage on your carpet when you are living with kids or even with adults. The problem? The stain decided to stay on your carpet. You act quickly to blot the liquid, but there is a dark spot that has stubbornly cling onto the fibres of your carpet causing it to look dirty and unattractive. 

The solution: First and foremost, do not scrub. If you have a synthetic carpet, you can use a detergent solution, which is mixing ¼ teaspoon of dish detergent in a cup of lukewarm water. For the former, dip a hit cloth into the solution and dab or press it to the spot repeatedly. Then, wait 15 minutes and soak the excess liquid with a dry white cloth. 

For a natural fibre carpet, you can use the same detergent solution, but this time you must use a spray bottle and mist it lightly onto the stain. Then, blot with a dry white cloth. Repeat it until your carpet returns to its original colour.

Don’t Have the Time to Do the Cleaning? Let a Reliable Laundry Shop Handle It!

Even when you have more time at home, you do not always have the energy to pick up a bucket or a vacuum to do frequent carpet cleaning. Work is also a factor that you must consider that can be the cause of this. Or, you only want to take your free time to relax and play with your kids. Either way, you do not want to neglect carpet care as well.

The solution, of course, is to find a dry cleaning service to solve your carpet problems! From restoring the colour of your carpet by eliminating accumulated dirt to remove the stubborn stains, you can lean on the knowledgeable and experienced professionals of a laundry shop. Trust that they have the latest cleaning technology to help in extending the life of your carpet.

Here, at Presto Drycleaners, we offer a laundry pickup service that will no longer require you or a family member to go outdoors and risk their health. You can conveniently book a pick-up during your free time and our staff will get your dirty laundry along with your carpet in your home. In a few days, we will deliver your fresh, clean garments and carpet to your door!

If you want to know more about our pickup service and carpet cleaning, you can visit our website. You can rely on our quick response and scheduling when you contact us today!