April 16, 2021

Muddy Footsteps in Your Car? Here are Some Tips on How to Keep Your Car Carpet Clean!

It can be difficult to assess when your carpet is dirty when it has the same colour as dust and mud. Some may find this convenient since they...
April 16, 2021

Say Goodbye to Pests in Your Car: How a Clean Carpet Can Help

Have you ever wondered why they put carpets in cars? While it may not be painted in red to make you feel like you are walking in a...
April 12, 2021

Meet The Team – Surene

In today’s Meet The Team Series, we have Surene. She is one of our many Retail Outlet Auntys at Presto Drycleaners. Working as a full time staff member,...
April 6, 2021

4 Ways To Clean Your Curtains

If you’ve read our article on “How Often Should You Clean Your Curtains” on our blog, you should be aware that every household item from bed sheets to...
March 18, 2021

Donate Clothes With Presto FAQ

Where to Recycle your pre-loved clothing in Singapore? Look no further, Presto has teamed up with our local social service agency - Cornerstone Community Services to make recycling...
March 18, 2021

Donate Clothes With Presto

As a local laundry and dry cleaning brand, we not only want to provide our customers with the best service but would also like to hold responsibility for...
March 12, 2021

5 Easy Steps to Restore Your Yellowed Linens

You probably have discovered old clothes, beddings, curtains, and other linen-type covers during your spring cleaning. If you neglected them for the past year, yellow tinges might have...
March 8, 2021

Meet The Team – Joey

You’ve met most of our older and longest service staff. However, we also have a few younger ones too. Meet Joey, our youngest office staff. She recently joined...
March 5, 2021

Our Sunny Island: Fabrics that Keep the Sun Out, How Do We Keep It Clean?

Exposure under the sun is essential in keeping the blood levels in the body on a healthy spectrum. Not only is it fun to be outside when the...
March 1, 2021

Your Ultimate Guide to Qun Kua for your Chinese wedding

Chinese is one of the ethnicities that has deep-rooted and long-existing cultures and traditions. When our ancestors came to Singapore, they have brought these practices with them and...